Accelerate Your Solution Delivery

Data Management & Data Lakes

You want to quickly realize value from Data Lakes and we have built several accelerators that help you do just that. Many of our Customers are already realizing benefits of these solutions.

Excel Writer API for Azure

Create excel files in Azure, with Azure Data Factory or other applications with this simple to use API, provided as a Docker container.

ADF templates for Data for Loan Servicing

Several Azure Data Factory pipeline  templates are developed to simplify data ingestion from loan tape, archiving data into Azure Datalake and Synapse analytics, populating, hybrid data environment 

Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps is a powerful cloud automation platform. We have developed several accelerators to streamline, secure and facilitate modern DevOps, Cloud Management, Migration and Application Development practices with ease

Export Work Items to Word & PDF

Create business requirements and release notes right from tasks and user stories in 2 simple clicks.  This adds efficiency to your project management, and meets compliance needs.

Email Custom Build and Release Report

Wouldn't it be nice if we can get a report on unit tests that ran after build or release and put custom information in it as well?

This add-on to Azure DevOps pipelines achieve just that...

DevOps for Databases

DevOps for Database Development. Automate and streamline database deployments and improve compliance. Avoid any surprises with database updates.

Mortgage & Loan Servicing

With extensive expertise in data management solutions we have developed several accelerators to benefit developers to quickly develop solutions based on these accelerators.

Mortgage Loan Tape Review Automation

Review Loan Tapes or individual loan for grading and pre-bundling validation at scale. Reduce workload by up to 80%

AI Engine for Cash & Remittance Reconciliation

Create a custom rule based cash and remittance reconciliation at scale. Reconcile millions of transactions across systems with ease, and the best part - you can make it work your existing systems.

Private Equity

With extensive expertise in data management solutions we have developed several accelerators to benefit developers to quickly develop solutions based on these accelerators.

Investor Relationship Management

Private Equity focused CRM extension for Microsoft Dynamics 365 - simplify your IR system implementation

Let's Discuss How!

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Interested in concepts?

Schedule a quick call with a solution engineer to discuss how modern development strategies can benefit you!

Catching up on Tech Debt?

It’s hard aligning your deliverables with business priorities.

Let’s discuss where Teams apps and Low code platforms can help you deliver better value for your existing application development projects.